Written by Monica Peters MedinaSpike Lee's "Miracle at St. Anna" debuted at #9 on it's opening weekend last week. Although the critics bashed Spike Lee's "Miracle at St. Anna," in my opinion it is one of Spike's best films to date (right up there with Malcolm X). I am often baffled as to why African-Americans are not eager to see films that portray themselves in a positive light.
I can honestly say Spike outdid himself in this film. I was extremely surprised by the depth of the film in which Spike leaves no stone unturned in the 2 hour 45 minute movie. Miracle is of epic proportions and is by no means "an African-American story." Miracle had many story lines intertwined. The war scenes and human atrocities across the board were nothing short of brutal; but this is to be expected in a war film. Miracle was also a lesson in Italian history. I was as much intrigued with the impact that World War II had on Italy in addition to the courageous actions of the African American 97th division.
In Miracle, Spike told a war story without excluding the contributions and experiences of others ; Unlike other filmmakers throughout Hollywood history who make American stories to the exclusion of the contributions of others.
Long story short. GO SEE MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA. In the meantime,
check out my interview with the author of "Miracle at St. Anna," James McBride. Have a great weekend.
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